Response paradox

Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in | Posted on Saturday, January 31, 2009

I know it.

What? What is it exactly that you know?

The way into illumination, I know the way there.

So, what? You just can't go there?

Oh no, I do, I know how to get there and I can.

Then? How come you just don't go towards it?

Because... I'm not ready for it, I think I still have to do many things before.

Are you saying illumination is dead?

No... I'm just saying I need a bit of chaos before balance.

But isn't everyone just looking for that? Complete, and total spiritual illumination?

Well, perhaps I'm not. Perhaps I just want to be happy

Isn't illumination part of the full happiness state?


[confessing half-lies half-truths half-lemonades 3/2... I hate decimal digits]
By I'm the penguin

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