Heavenly skies
Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in art | Posted on Wednesday, March 04, 2009
He was sitted in his cloud made chair, looking up, at the great everything, at the great perhaps. The sky of all things, contained mysteries and jigsaws ,that even his knowledge, surpased. He had walked the earths and swam the oceans, he had even flown the skies; finding dancing sands, whistling waters and shining winds.
But never in all his journeys had he found something as amazing and distant as a star. He knew the wind were gasses , he knew the core of the world was full of energy, but even like that he was amazed that together, those apparently invisible things in his hubble world could make such a show.

Stars and planets, meteors and galaxies; they were all made of the same dirt in his feet and the air in his lungs. He himself was star stuff, but the magic of the distance, the purity of their night light, it was something beyond the existence and might. And so he used his golden spyglass, to search in all the universe the most amazing of the them, the one thing that would give a sense to it all.
He couldn't explain how, but he felt bigger by finding the most beautiful mixture of colors in the sky beyond. He felt part of it, part of the galaxy, part of the cosmos; which was one with the sun and the atom in his thumb. He was one with it all. And so he understood his role.
2. I do believe (in writer’s block)]
By I'm the penguin
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