The joke is on you not YOU
Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in thoughts | Posted on Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Look at me, it's not even been two months and I'm already messing again with our dearest (accidental) readers' privacy. *tsk tsk tsk*
Well... I'm doing it anyway, so I might do it already. (and no, this has nothing to do with the fact that I have nothing else to tell you... seriously, this is amusing)
In case you don't remember, last time we were at this, there was a person (SHHE) who had asked about the birds and the peeps. Well, actually SHHE was wondering what it meant that a black bird stared at you. Which was amusing and such other adjectives I already used a post for describing.
So today I want to talk about another person, let's call this one YOU (because the reader might actually come back). Well, YOU was (yes, third person) directed here by this adress: hear bells ringing everywhere&btnG=Google Search&aq=o&oq=&a
Now, again, if you are not familiar with these, this was a google search with the words "I hear bells
ringing everywhere".
And I made some research, and it is not a song... or anything that could go by that name. So the last ressort of thinking left, was to assume, this person indeed was searching in Google about hearing bells ringing.
"We all can hear them" you might say, but YOU and I know differently. Because YOU is actually not the first one to search this. There have been others, who ask "Is it a disease to hear bells ringing and there are no bells"... or "Hear bells ringing from my head". This is where it gets serious.
Because maybe they have an actual problem, like a serious condition where their faulty brains make them believe they are actually hearing unexisting sounds. And while looking for medical help (on the internet... sans commentaires) they find some weird readerless blog that talks about bells and war time. That must really suck.
And maybe this is not fun like the other one, but I couldn't help but to laugh at the internet and the use of it. Because while we search here loads of stuff and find many answers, we are now also trying to find medical aid on the web. And the fact that looking for that, you instead find some literary blog, it's just a big cosmic joke in my twisted view of the world.
Maybe that's just me and a crude humor, but the whole fact of us depending in such a way in the internet is just hilarious, having as a punch line our blog.
So yea, I just wanted you to see this, to tell you.
We are a punch line.
In this big fat, black humor excuse of a joke, we call life.
by I'm the penguin
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