She was going to miss the internet a lot. She had said her farewells to the community, and specially to ramboactionfigure22 and sweet314159 with whom she had had a community channel that had reached 52 subscribers (actually 49, but they were subscribed themselves, so...) 'Shame we never got to be famous' she said to herself before deactivating the account. 'Maybe I'll start another some other day, I promised myself I could be more interesting than a dancer, a lame singer or a kid bitting his brother.' [but we all knew she couldn't]
She was going to miss the internet a lot. She had said her farewells to the community, and specially to ramboactionfigure22 and sweet314159 with whom she had had a community channel that had reached 52 subscribers (actually 49, but they were subscribed themselves, so...) 'Shame we never got to be famous' she said to herself before deactivating the account. 'Maybe I'll start another some other day, I promised myself I could be more interesting than a dancer, a lame singer or a kid bitting his brother.' [but we all knew she couldn't]
I haz the flu
Posted by I'm the penguin | Posted in music | Posted on Tuesday, September 29, 2009
The Shining
Posted by Mrs. Kite | Posted in | Posted on Monday, September 28, 2009
This says neither...
I think...
Suffocating silence
Posted by I'm the penguin | Posted in short story | Posted on Sunday, September 27, 2009
Soap is back
Posted by Mrs. Kite | Posted in | Posted on Saturday, September 26, 2009
As in so friggin back.
As in sleeping until 1am to see them come back.
I was in denial then isolation
Then I felf a little angry
And I started the bargaining.
About the middle I was in depression.
Now, let's just accept it.
The thing about the super soaps... it's that they're super slippery...
Protect me from what I want.
Posted by Mrs. Kite | Posted in | Posted on Thursday, September 24, 2009
For distant viewing, it said,
wish I had read it again, and again, and again
good advice
if only if only
everything's alright..
So, this guy keeps amazing me... this is what I believe his new blog,
great creative posts, with images, videos, etc...
Una llama en medio del camino... a Jr.canest blog.
highly recomended

As the horizon announced the arrival of a new day they prepared for the tortuous and never ending labor of trying to approach each other, every single atom in their composition desiring nothing else but to figure out the other and then be there. The labor of against all odds, seek the one moment they would join and be lonely nevermore, all without getting any closer, ever.
[lack of charisma can be fatal]
Playlists that happen
Posted by Mrs. Kite | Posted in | Posted on Tuesday, September 22, 2009
You can't miss is, but something's missing somewhere...
This please cannot be it....
Alternative versions
Posted by I'm the penguin | Posted in thoughts | Posted on Monday, September 21, 2009
Happily never after
After he got her the crystal shoe back on her foot, and married her, having the happiest day of them all, she moved into the castle. But as it is it turned out that she hadn't been the only chosen one, in fact she learned that while in Arabia, Prince Charming had taken up some traditions, one being the Harems.
So as it happens, after all her suffering with her step family, she was now just part of a group of other twelve ladies who had thought as well that was their happily ever after. They had all been infatuated, they had all pledged eternal vows of pure and eternal love, so to get their happy ending. They weren't.
Listen, not!
Posted by Mrs. Kite | Posted in | Posted on Sunday, September 20, 2009
There's a huge disadvantage of downloading the most popular songs of a certain artist. It is not my intention to feel very, 'oh-I-don't-like-the-common-first-pick' but it is true. As snob as that may sound... I can just add that from's top ten, I don't really like (not the same than dislike though.. [thanks for that obsession penguin]) at least four of them, which is oh yes! 40%...
Tan joven y tan viejo... like a rolling stone...
How the first one happened
Posted by I'm the penguin | Posted in short story | Posted on Saturday, September 19, 2009
It is a necklace, a very beautiful one actually.
Money, just as a decoration, as an item.
I've been thinking about it all week, as I try to forget about certain expectations which have been bugging me for a while now.
The thing about this necklace is, its message is not only very true and inspiring, it is also very valuable in a sentimental way, and in my way of seeing it, it also looks like a nobel prize medal.
So, this necklace, has been very helpful this week, I've though about lots of things, because as I said some days ago... I only wanted to be three things: scientist, film-maker or rockstar...
This too shall pass
Posted by I'm the penguin | Posted in art, thoughts | Posted on Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tus sueños
Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in minifiction | Posted on Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Stay calm and remember
Posted by Mrs. Kite | Posted in | Posted on Monday, September 14, 2009
It was one of those days when I have to consider life changing issues, but then, I forget about them, either because I did actually forget, or because at some point (i never know that point) I didn't want to remember.
I'm flipping coins tomorrow, about something I don't know today.
The actual result (i'm joking about the coin) is somehow predictable,
(I hope I can read this in a couple mothns/years to find out.)
But what's scary, is that despite that predictable outcome, the event is important, is life chainging, and I have no idea if I'm going to like it after all.
So, for now, I'll remember some wise's men advices, which were really useful, (specially for THIS)
And try to remain calm,
au revoir last 4 years!
Time and things
Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in thoughts | Posted on Sunday, September 13, 2009
Stop looking at the screen
Posted by Mrs. Kite | Posted in | Posted on Saturday, September 12, 2009
Like, I don't know...
or those other physiological important things parents talk about... like sleep..
The thing is, sometimes I really don't have enough time for those phisiological things, I wish I had,
I will this week, I hope..
But for now, I'm just turning off the computer..
Pretteh colors
Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in art | Posted on Friday, September 11, 2009

Problem with that affair of yours
Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in thoughts | Posted on Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Sabor a envoltura
Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in short story | Posted on Monday, September 07, 2009
Cuando se es una envoltura se sabe desde un principio que esos pequeños ojitos con pericia y hambre, no lo ven a uno con el fin de comerlo, ni mucho menos con la intención de conservarlo. Cuando se es una envoltura, uno sabe que vale lo mismo que una tapa de pepino, lo que importa es que te quiten de en medio. Y una vez asumida esta verdad, la vida tiende a ya no deprimir tanto.
Pero con ella fue distinto, sin duda se trató de un regalo a ella de algún abuelo, unos cuantos crujidos y por mera obra de suerte acabé rota en su bolsillo. Y como a veces pasa, fui olvidada, pero siempre a la expectativa de una mano fregosa que gritara a la distancia algo como -¡Un día de estos van a salir ratas de tus pantalones!- Pero nunca llegó, de hecho, cuando por fin me encontraron fui analizada de cerca, meticulosamente viendo los pliegues y dobladillos acumulados por el reposo. Y después del análisis me lamió, pasó su calida lengua por todas las ranuras, como si fuera hace segundos que me separé del dulce, pero no era así. Más tarde acabé en una caja.
Conozco los botes de basura, y se que aunque sea por poco, esta caja no lo era. Otros triques y chucherías olvidadas, envueltas con un olor penetrante a añejo y conservadas en lo que luego aprendería que eran litros de nostalgia. Estaba obscuro y silencioso casi todo el tiempo, había figuritas de colores fosforescentes, notitas con tinta opaca, y uno que otro recorte, pero lo más impresionante era el cementerio de otras envolturas ahí, todas similares, bien pudiendo ser mis abuelas o primas políticas.
Y pasaba el tiempo, y se llenaba la caja, ya no era sorpresa ver como introducía envolturas nuevas, o triques de plástico barato, o chacharas de metal. La parte inesperada era cuando ella volvía y abría la caja, olía el contenido y nos sacaba una por una, y justo como la primera vez, pasaba su mirada escrutadora por toda mi superficie, estudiaba cada ranura hasta que volvía a aproximar sus papilas gustativas. No se dejaba de sentir extraño que lo hiciera, pero ya era una sensación familiar, lo que yo no concebía en un principio era que después de tanto tiempo que el sabor ya no estaba impregnado, ella siguiera probándolo. Pero con cada vez que esto se repetía, que ella volviera a probar una y otra vez el plástico desabrido, más entendía que lo que ella saboreaba no era el sabor a dulce, que hace ya muchos años ella no saboreaba el dulce.
[yes, I'm shameless just like that]
by I'm the penguin
I would go to space
Posted by Mrs. Kite | Posted in | Posted on Sunday, September 06, 2009
Ignore the video if you want, it's the song I'm talking about,
Living in secret
Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in thoughts | Posted on Saturday, September 05, 2009
What's next?
Posted by Mrs. Kite | Posted in | Posted on Friday, September 04, 2009
That's the main idea, only, I guess I would have to change some words...
In the procrastination list in our bright bright books, I apply to at least 50% of the descriptions. "Commiting to do many things being the first one." and add that to the 99% match with the ADD test... yay..
Let's just use the dice of mood, and lets have no weekends, there's only a year left.
The night is long,.. and the coffee is cheap!
What has happened to us?
Equilibrio dinámico
Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in blog | Posted on Thursday, September 03, 2009
Sleeping is for losers...
Posted by Mrs. Kite | Posted in | Posted on Wednesday, September 02, 2009
I was just joking, trying to make me feel a little better about being awake, life-less and weekend-less at the moment, but it didn't.. It just made me thing that if that's the case, I'd rather be a loser.
Because lets face it, sleeping is NEVER overated... If you have narcolepsy or similar, excuse me.. But if you don't, oh my.. I really hope you are getting some... sleep, I mean.
I remembered a video I posted a while ago.. oh, please I want that morning elegance. I want a sunny morning, fresh morning just in my PJ...
Soon, please, soon...