This too shall pass
Posted by I'm the penguin | Posted in art, thoughts | Posted on Thursday, September 17, 2009
Dear stranger from across the street: If you ever attempt to make your life simpler by making several gmail accounts so that the access to certain blog is easier and you can sign with your own name, then I warn you: you will end up loosing access to it. (only if you're as incompetent as the author)

That being said I would like to share something:

It is a piece of José Carlos Martinat's exposition. The collection is about the concept of liberty and the system managing it, and about people going to jail for reasons they should, at least that's what I got from the whole thing.
But what I liked the most about the exposition was this particular sign, because as it may only appear to be some cryptic road-dinner advertise, it is actually a very powerful message.
It comes from a tale of king Salomon. It is said he was such a wise man that when he was having a rough time he would remember better times and knew that it would pass, but it was only fair that when he was having a good time, he also considered that it was meant to pass too. So he had made a ring that read "This too shall pass" (in his language of course).
Thereby turning all his joys in pains, and all the pains in joys.
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