Honestly filling
Posted by I'm the penguin | Posted in | Posted on Tuesday, December 22, 2009
the forgotten time which I decided to skip given the holidays. Now, has to be filled in.
But like every good blogger (like i knew any...) I will try to avoid the content production and instead fill you with content made by someone else, found by me so I can take some credit for it. (thinking about it that's pretty much all we do).
So there. I shall begin the selection.
First there is this page: Imgur.
While this is not a site that has a vast collection of anything in particular or even a theme, it's pretty much made of awesome.

(yeah only two, check the rest by yourself)
Awesome right?
There is also this place, for which I could throw a whole thing about time and limitations but I bet that at this point you couldn't bare one more. Anyway, this page changes every 24 hours or so and sells a different tee, so what you see today is not what was yesterday or tomorrow. So go ! quick!
Tee Fury. It is cool, it has new artists and they just get a chance to sell one day, it keeps it fresh and constant, go take a look.
One tee had this the other day :)

And... well that.... yea that's it for today...
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