Young and foolish

Posted by I'm the penguin | Posted in | Posted on Monday, May 31, 2010


Broken hearts shatter in a sea of stomach voids, pressed up chests and deviated attentions. They seek alternative, often find themselves being broken in a million pieces, never to be seen together again.

But today's not about the broken hearts. (It is about an experience made me think of them)
It's about discussing the growing pains of the heart.

There are so many stories, books, movies and creative networking in general devoted to depict young love. We could make houses for all the inhabitants of small countries of all the material there is about it. So there is no need to emphasize its importance in western society. Young love sells, young and restless hearts that can give up life in change of love, there's hardly a better selling story.

Is it that young people have stronger needs to satisfy romantically? Or is it that older people know the pain of a breakup and so they guard themselves? I could hardly say, here in the south pole we don't get a say in the matter.

But it is a universal truth that it is rather easier for a young one to helplessly utterly fall in infatuation and lose control. And sometimes it goes like that in both ends of a pair, and then there are biochemical cocktails. But more often and seldom it happens that only one has an overdose, while the other looks away. Imagine such hang over.

It is a matter of putting your needs and hopes in another person, when it fails it is normally too late to move them back, it's like loosing baggage in the airport. But there is not refund in anyway.

So sad.
So depressing.
So effing romantic.
And effing painful.

Main et pipe

Posted by Mrs. Kite | Posted in , | Posted on Sunday, May 30, 2010


Kamen Kamenov's Homo Faber For the human, the creator of objects and the objects, creators of the human.

[via: Behance Network]


Posted by I'm the penguin | Posted in | Posted on Saturday, May 29, 2010


I felt free to rob your share on this matter. Hope one day you can forgive me. (for this and copying your style>.>).

This is it. This is what WE need.

Coalition Of The Willing from coalitionfilm on Vimeo.


From Quoteskine

Posted by Mrs. Kite | Posted in | Posted on Friday, May 28, 2010


Quoteskine is an amazing tumblr and flickr
Here are some of my favorites

6 months late

Posted by I'm the penguin | Posted in | Posted on Thursday, May 27, 2010


From the very talented Thomas Allen :

More staples, and some packaging tape

Posted by Mrs. Kite | Posted in , | Posted on Wednesday, May 26, 2010


By artist Mark Khaisman, check him out here
[via: Midge's Mind]


Posted by I'm the penguin | Posted in | Posted on Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Antes de sacar las llaves de su edificio, un ventarron frío la envolvió completa y se fue tan rápido como vino, dejando en ella un pensamiento que reptó hasta lo más profundo de su razón. ¿y qué si en ese momento una camioneta de Rompevidas llegara y la secuestrara? Seguro se la llevarían, atarían su conciencia y sus ganas de una cena caliente en casa. La desvestirían de sus complejos e inhibiciones y tocarían cada una de sus fibras sensibles hasta que jadeante azotara del cansancio.

La mantendrían en un cuarto alejado de la civilización donde nadie pudiera escuchar sus quejas y reproches. Ahí encontraría más gente como ella, que a la fuerza fueron extirpados de sus vidas y ahora estaban condenados una incertidumbre desconocida. Después de enseñarle todo lo que desde su torre de aspiraciones prefabricadas no podía ver, fue sometida a un trato de verdades calcitrantes y bellezas postergadas.

Cuando los Rompevidas supieran que ya no podían hacerle nada más, llamarían a Sociedad pidiendo un rescate por la rehen, se tendría que hacer un retiro millonario de la ceunta de ahorros de la rehen del banco de las expectativas, en efectivo. No quedaría nada. No se involucraría a la policía ni a los medios. Todo pasaría como si nada.

Una vez terminada la transacción, los Rompevidas la llevarían en medio de un camino a un destino incierto. Allí ella sería dejada en libertad, tanta que le sería imposible regresar a su vida cotidiana.

Y tan pronto como el viento que vino y se fue, el repentino pensamiento la dejó y retomó conciencia. Sacó ráopido sus llaves de su bolsa, eligió la adecuada y antes de insertarla en la ranura volteó a su espalda, no vio nada. Metió la llave, volteó a ver el cuarto piso del edificio, donde yacía su cocina, donde prepararía la cena, su cama donde dormiría y su colección de tazas de té que usaría una vez al mes. Voletó de nuevo a su espalda, y se mantuvo inmovil por unos segundos, los segundos se hicieron minutos.

¿a qué?
No estaba segura.

Al cabo de 10 minutos tomó un largo susprio, giro la llave y entró. Al cerrar tuvo la sensación de haber escuchado rejas golpear en ves de madera.

The cricket(s?)

Posted by Mrs. Kite | Posted in | Posted on Monday, May 24, 2010


It will sound like a made up story, but about half of the times I'm leaving my grandma's house I see a cricket in the sidewalk.
This made me think that there's some kind of cricket plague. Funny thing, my grandma has an instect-plague phobia... which I somehow inherited.


Posted by I'm the penguin | Posted in | Posted on Sunday, May 23, 2010


Remember I once said my new life philosophy would be one found in a post-secret post card? The one about pretending to come from the future so I could appreciate Now? (see, this blog has some continuity) well I remembered that the other night.

And came back to the blog and noticed how forgotten it is, and i made me somehow sad because of the Now, but the future was crushed. And I realized that somehow this is the only traceable footprint of Nows that I'm leaving for posterity.
And something needed to be done.

So I left behind the fear of creating worthwhile content and decided to blog away. So I'll ramble my way out of this.

We're near the end. Erase Near, this is it, the end of the world. Beyond here lies nothing we have knowledge of, abandon all hope.

I'll miss the long rides to nowhere in specific with the SAME old music and the same old peers. I'll miss the way we created worlds that nobody else would ever understand. I'll miss how with only a glance we already knew what we were going to laugh at the next moment. I'll miss how I didn't have to explain my spontaneous cold face and feet and my sudden warm phases and faces. I admit I will miss too how despite our lack of TV-series drama, we did kind of made a story worth telling, and a YA ambiance fitted for a story.

Now it's time to hunt mammoths solo and seek new tribes.


But these times are also about expectations, a land of eternal suffering, but enormous joy at the same time. Expectations for friendship, knowledge, love, realization, battles, struggle: experiences. New uncles, new sisters, new brothers, new riders.


Posted by Mrs. Kite | Posted in , | Posted on Saturday, May 22, 2010


Wishful crystal
Water covers everything in blue
Coolin' water

Wishful sinful
Our love is beautiful to see
I know where I would like to be
Right back where I came

When did this end?

Posted by I'm the penguin | Posted in | Posted on Friday, May 21, 2010


It is not until you realize how good you have it that you fear change.

It is not until you're done with mi pye that you truly see the edge of the road, and usually, it is too late.

It is not until the night you realize it is the last time you'll see them that you know they're family, that you belong with them.

And it is not until the first person says "fare well" that the departure suddenly becomes unbearable.

And then it's over.

So over you kind of wish you could go back and relive it to the fullest.
But you go on. And now carry a new bag full of memories, bottles and pictures, in search for your new home.

(artsy night @ hoghog )

¿Qué hacemos?

Posted by Mrs. Kite | Posted in | Posted on Thursday, May 20, 2010


I've never asked anyone what they think about this book... perhaps I'll never do, because I don't really care, and I wouldn't like to hear something negative about it. Because in my mind, it is just amazing. It is an interview. I guess half of it is not true, but who cares.

Entonces nos miramos y nos dijimos: «¿Qué hacemos?», y ella me propuso que la acompañara a tomar una copa y yo le dije que sí, que encantado. «¿Me puedo llevar a un amigo?», me preguntó de pronto, y yo: «Naturalmente.» El caso es que, en alegre procesión y silbando una alegre cancioncilla, la chica, el amigo y yo nos montamos en un taxi y nos dirigimos, con una alegría digna de mejor causa, a unos apartamentos por horas de Capitán Haya. Quisiera tener un vídeo de lo que vio el portero cuando entramos: la puta crepuscular, el enano del bombero torero y yo con esa cara de «no estamos borrachos y esto no es lo que parece».

From the pages of Sabina en carne viva


Posted by I'm the penguin | Posted in | Posted on Wednesday, May 19, 2010


It's chaos, it's all moving.

Collisions, collisions, collisions.

One meets three, two is enough to keep searching.

Two meet four and it's all they see before they part ways years later.

And then, in the glimpse of a second a big figure finds a rather small one, and they fit perfectly. No more collisions needed, they make each other balanced, complete, whole.

And for once in a very long time both figures don't have the need to feel desperate, the need to keep up the collisions until they find what they were looking for, at last they have found it.

They remain still.

And that could last for seconds, weeks, decades, centuries; one can only wonder. But as long as they are together, nothing else will matter.

And that's just as romantic as chemistry gets.

Look at ME!

Posted by Mrs. Kite | Posted in | Posted on Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Television is a drug. from Beth Fulton on Vimeo.


Posted by I'm the penguin | Posted in | Posted on Monday, May 17, 2010


-Judge a person by what they do, but by who they are-

This is a general rule I try to live by. You can only impose judgement and critique over someone's actions and decisions, not their background, ethnicity or any other factors said person had no choice over.

And it makes sense, it is unfair to judge people by the things they can't change, because good or bad, they had nothing to do with it in the first place. But instead we can observe their actions, attitudes and decisions, which are completely made by them, to construct a well made verdict on them.

Here we're considering their actions are a reflection of their personalities, values and experiences.
And so a question arises.
How much of their personalities, value and experiences are truly made or chosen by them?

You can ask anyone and they will tell you your uprise, and thus your education is directly related to the place you were born, and the people who you grew up with. And your experiences too, what you live is partly determined by your surroundings and the other parts are rather random circumstances. So how much of what makes you YOU was not really chosen or made by you.

So what's left?

The character? The natural personality we have since we are children?
How much of that is determined by genetics if we have it since early childhood? Because genes also play an important part of this. Those little things that made you different of your body or your thoughts, and made you grow a little apart from mainstream society one way or the other are also dictated by genes. (most of them at least)

So, at the end of the day what's left for us? What is up for judgement and what isn't?

Where is that so called free will?

Le verre dont il buvait

Posted by Mrs. Kite | Posted in | Posted on Sunday, May 16, 2010


« Murdoch, la bouteille, es-que tu sais si le Dr. Campbell l’a prise ? » il a demandé. Murdoch a répondu de l’autre côte du téléphone,
« Non, il ne l’a pas pris. »
« Es-tu sûr ? »
« Oui. »
« Bien sûr ? »
« Oui. Je me rappelle parfaitement qu’il a faire un commentaire quand nous étions là, mais il ne l’a prendre parce qu’il a dit qu’il n’était pas nécessaire, donc il a pris uniquement le verre dont il buvait. «
« Ce vieux chien, il savait tout. » McCarthy a dit avec un sourire entre les dents.

The sad sad story of the french devoir... I liked those lines, despite of the general uber-genius of the story... if you know what I mean...
¬¬ 8-)


Posted by I'm the penguin | Posted in | Posted on Saturday, May 15, 2010


Because we all need to smile one way or the other

What would they say if I were to tell this was a blog...


Posted by Mrs. Kite | Posted in , | Posted on Friday, May 14, 2010


CO2 emissions, birth rate & death rate simulation © David Bleja 2006-2010. By the same web designer: Human Rights Arts & Film Festival

The Environment and Climate Change

Global warming (aka climate change) is almost without a doubt the most important issue to face our generation, and quite possibly any generation in history. The worldwide scientific community is virtually unanimous in its agreement that global warming is happening, that it's our fault, and that our chance to stop it is slipping away. If we let it get out of our control, the consequences - which will already begin occuring in most of our lifetimes - will be catastrophic. Just some of the consequences that can be reasonably expected are rising sea levels, more frequent and more severe natural disasters, large-scale food and water shortages, plagues, massive species extinctions, unprecendented numbers of refugees, intensified ethnic and political tensions, and a global economic depression the likes of which no one has ever seen.

The situation is still within our grasp, but we must act now, we must act strongly, and we must act together. Individuals, companies, and governments across the globe must each do what they can to reverse climate change. We will never get a second chance.

You should def. check this out... The Breathing Earth simulation (<- i'm a link)

There are no passengers on spaceship earth. We are all crew. -Marshall McLuhan

via: vlogbrothers


Posted by I'm the penguin | Posted in | Posted on Thursday, May 13, 2010


It's enough inaction for one month...

As a wise penguin once said:

"I'll Kite my way out of this"

This is me sharing to the good people of the internet the music j'aime, out of thousands of other crap, so you don't have to wonder anymore what does the penguin listen to (other than Franz Ferdinand < 3>

Dream- Priscilla Ahn

Happier- On the rocks

Together in Electric Dreams- The Voluntary Butler Scheme

Men- The Dodos


1958- La Shark

That should make some interesting playlist (:

In hopes you forget the oblivion, I applaud your enthusiasm.
If we don't laugh at each other, then who will get us used to?

Le Mépris-Trailer

Posted by Mrs. Kite | Posted in , | Posted on Wednesday, May 12, 2010


This really might be the best trailer in the world...

[via: Pedro Almodóvar Curates YouTube]
(this is a post in the future)


Posted by I'm the penguin | Posted in | Posted on Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Una ola roja que no anuncia buenas mareas se impone
y desde la incertidumbre, con una máscara afilada surges tú.
Rompes las ventanas y seguros que me mantienen dentro
y me obligas a escapar.

Transgredes en mí, en mi camino y mi respirar
cada segundo que pasa olvido como inhalar,
rompes el aire con tajadas de estática
y me reduces a latidos e impulsos reptilianos.

Pero las miradas largas te parecen cansadas,
se desata un ejército de puertas cerradas y corazones temblorosos.

Defensas fallidas, socorros ahogados.
Rompes las fibras espinosas y me disecas con papel.

Golpe de suerte en el estomago de los destinos,
el cielo se parte con suspiros de muerte.
Y no soy yo ni eres tú, no importa quién
ahora solo yace un furúnculo de membranas que reclama mi nombre.

Ya no hay tú, y el regente ha ejecutado a yo,
no hay más que palabras que flotan y se burlan,
recuerdos que apuñalan y se desvanecen.
Solo pido que en mi funeral no se pronuncie a la muerte.

Geek envelope

Posted by Mrs. Kite | Posted in , | Posted on Monday, May 10, 2010


Map Envelope is a very beautiful geeky thing!
I would use these envelopes if mail in here was anything close to efficient...
Still, I'll print one some day, just for fun...
click me--> Map Envelope
[this img from: technabob]


Posted by I'm the penguin | Posted in | Posted on Sunday, May 09, 2010


Let's say yesterday I was... buying wheels... yes, wheels.

There was option A. It was quite risky because I knew nothing of wheel A, I had very few details and nothing else but an offer to get it. It was full of spikes, death metal and hardcore C2H5OH formulas. It was risky. Very risky.
But there was a chance a <.0001 chance I would love A because of some special perks I was told it had, and boy, have I been waiting to get the perks.

Then I was told of B. Risk was low, I was already familiar with it, but had not used them enough to say I would be comfortable using B wheels. But B are artistic, alternative and while there was going to be some C2H5OH, the point was not the formula, but the long run. It was mildly risky.

And at first B had no attractive options, so I chose the huge risk, I went out of my way just for the chance of something else. So I chose A, called in and said I'd be there. The contract was signed.
But then people from B called. They said they were now offering a big variety of extra benefits and perks, non of which I had heard of before, but still, perks.
I was already signed up for A and there was no way back. It saddened me, but A still had that one probability which mad it all good.

But then uncertainty makes an entrance, and I am placed in my way to A, but the circumstances dictate that will no longer be possible.

Instead I'm taken to C. My good old wheels, I know them, I use them all the time, there's absolutely no risk at all. But there are no benefits either. And so it ends, the uncertainty of which option, killed by safety.

Remember that old mexican saying "better known bad than good to know" (bad translation), well that saying is bullshit. Because you will always wonder what would A&B be like. And you regret it. But there's nothing you can do now, you are doomed.

But don't worry. These were only wheels I was talking about...

I'm on a blood buzz

Posted by Mrs. Kite | Posted in , | Posted on Saturday, May 08, 2010


The National - "Bloodbuzz Ohio" (official video) from The National on Vimeo.

I never thought about love when I thought about home


Posted by I'm the penguin | Posted in | Posted on Friday, May 07, 2010


Ruinas de árboles parlanchines que hablaban de la vida y sus placeres;
una terraza con aires de reproche y recuerdos de abuso.
Un crucifijo que jura venganza al caer el Sol
y pintura caída en todo el piso que amenaza con permanecer una eternidad.

Desde el rincón de este cuarto gris es todo lo que puedo ver.
Soy rehén de la despavorida inacción, sin poder detener al tiempo,
tirano con la ambición de consumirlo todo.
Poso mi mano sobre una página en blanco,
esperando que la indiferencia se torne en sueños, pan o agua.

Sucede que esta casona cruel no se derrumbará hasta que saque el último de mis suspiros
y se encargue de que no haya nadie más en el mundo que yo y Soledad.
Pero tambiuén suced que esta noche,
antes de que las pesadillas cobren garras y escamas,
Soledad y yo nos fugaremos por las ventanas rotas
y huiremos juntos de este baúl de infancias interrumpidas y amores rotos.
Aún si en el acto Soledad meure al amanecer, al ver mi rostro.

Not knowing

Posted by Mrs. Kite | Posted in , | Posted on Thursday, May 06, 2010


What about the not knowing?
Some people say that the not knowing is terrible. And I think it can be, when the not knowing involves the knowing of something not being right in some way and it is usually applied to life situations or relationships. But the truth is, for me at least, that the not knowing is amazingly intriguing and fun. Because it means there is something to ask and there is something to look for. So all the questions, about science and gossip even, are just that. That’s perhaps why the penguin and the kite make some bizarre and extremely fun mind stories about people. It’s not like collecting secrets or anything? Right?

Lady Gaga and the symbols

Posted by I'm the penguin | Posted in | Posted on Wednesday, May 05, 2010


Lady Gaga is now queen of the showbiz, and her right hand, her golden army are the gays. She's devoted to them, and in exchange they are a loyal legion of consumers and hardcore defenders of her and her art. This rising group needed a spokesperson and a flag that could be swung in pride, because this Gaga lady is mentioning all the time how much she is for the gays, and having such a tremendous media power, she is obviously heard. And so a thought crawled into my mind the other day, would it be so bad if Lady Gaga was found to be a homophobe at the end of the day?

Isn't she as a symbol way more important and powerful than she will ever be as a person by itself? Up until today, that symbol has been built to amaze and leave the entire business speechless, but what I think is more important, she has risen awareness and defends a vulnerable minority. Would all that be ruined if it was found that Lady Gaga, the person, not the symbol, was homophobic at the end, and only playing along to get consumers and win a market?

Yes it would.
But why should it?
All we ever care about truly are symbols, so why are we so hypocrite, as a society to actually give a damn about what happens to the bearers of those symbols, or in reality for that matter?

Truth is that we inhabit a social world, where interactions and status are currency, meaning is the code by which we live, and language is the foundation of all types of modern construction. So, in this type of place, symbols are everything. It doesn't matter what would instinct say, what would literal interpretation tell you, what matters is what you see trough the lens of society, its symbols and knowledge, whatever these are.

And so, in a way we're all hypocritical, saying reality counts for something, when in fact a symbol is what truly matters. When we look at people like John Lennon in pictures, or old buildings like the Giza pyramids, what gives them importance is not that they exist per se. John was a man, the Giza pyramids were a tomb. Nothing else. But then they do stuff that probably will never have a direct effect on us, but they are recognized by everyone and assure their place in humanity's memory for some hundreds of years. They become icons, symbols we give a huge load of importance, and so they become basic common knowledge.

Nothing of considerable relevance is any other thing than a symbol, something we can all digest, chew, and spit or swallow, either way they have to become abstract.

But then there's that part where despite the symbols, in spite of our believes, something as relatively small as a news blast with evidence of Lady Gaga being homophobic would be enough to destroy that huge tower of confidence and devotion formed by the huge symbol built.

And if you ask me, that's kind of wrong.

Hell, for all I care she could be a red neck-WBC Christian fundamentalist-war supporting-homophobic-50 year old man, (with a big talent for fitting in tight clothes, dancing and major plastic surgery) and it wouldn't make a difference. What matters is the symbol she is, and what she does with that. Sure, you can tell me her music is all that matters, but that would be lying to yourself.

Icons and symbols are what we see, the people behind them are only the holders of that image, but when it becomes big enough, it no longer belongs only to them; but it acquires life of its own. And then, it will be all that will remain.

Only RATS!

Posted by Mrs. Kite | Posted in , | Posted on Tuesday, May 04, 2010


I didn't take her to the motel, she took me.
I'll tell you the unwritten law you dumb son of a bitch.
Hey! I went to college once but all they found were RATS IN MY HEAD!

is it me, or is there something very Lynchean about all of this?
(important to have heard/watched this: This is hardcore)

For me, it bring some sort of nostalgia.
It starts with a piano I imagine playing, and then some trompetas... con sordina. (which are actually from "Bolero on the Moon Rocks" by the Peter Thomas Sound Orchestra.)
It is a mélange between painful and depraved thoughts.
You name the drama and I'll play the part.
A small squeak in the all from the second I want it all.
'Till I say ACTION.
Here comes the hardcore life.

This is Pulp's 1998 This is Hardcore


Posted by I'm the penguin | Posted in | Posted on Monday, May 03, 2010


People had been working for so many years to make the world a safe, organized place. Nobody realized how boring it would become. With the whole world property-lined and speed-limited and zoned and taxed and regulated, with everyone tested and registered and addressed and recorded. Nobody had left much room for adventure, except maybe the kind you could buy. On a roller coaster. At a movie. Still, it would always be that kind of faux excitement. You know the dinosaurs aren't going to eat your kids. The test audiences have outvoted any chance of even a major faux disaster. And because there's no possibility of real disaster, real risk, we're left with no chance for real salvation. Real elation. Real excitement. Joy. Discovery. Invention.

The laws that keep us safe, these same laws condemn us to boredom.

Without access to true chaos, we'll never have true peace.
Unless everything can get worse, it won't get any better.

An extract from Choke by Chuck Palahniuk

It is one of those stories you need to at least know about.

Oh nooz! Bottled Water!

Posted by Mrs. Kite | Posted in | Posted on Sunday, May 02, 2010


I'm sooner or later going to be condemned to cry for bottled water...
LOL I represent about half of the 'sinner' population.. lololol
bottled water facts part 1bottled water facts part 2bottled water facts part 3
via: Albino Blacksheep

Your friend the kite

Posted by I'm the penguin | Posted in | Posted on Saturday, May 01, 2010


You put your head trough the window, the wind enters and shakes everything up, it strikes your face and plays with your hair, you turn and in the jungle of toys and hidden worlds you pick the kite and run to the door. You go as fast as you can, and you can still feel the wind in your face as you go down the stairs and finally exit.

The trees are really green, the grass is still wet and you can feel it in your ankles and the Sun shines everywhere. The clouds are fluffy and form all kinds of dinosaurs and creatures of the night, you grab your kite by the string and start running. You run trough the golden meadows, pass trough the giant trees, the kite is not gaining any height. The you look at it, kind of disappointed, but you trust him, he will rise and fly, you tell him so, he must rise and fly.

So you stand there and start spinning, and you keep on spinning, spinning, spinning until you see the kite finally doing it, it is rising, almost levitating towards the fluffy clouds and deep blue blue sky. You knew he would do it. Now you run again with it.

You twist and shout, your kite is flying, you're taking it everywhere, for him to see the world from the top, you show him the pond, you run by the red oaks for him to say hi to the squirrels, and then you finally take him to the super secret place. He has earned it. You take a left turn in the giant gray rocks, climb the miniature waterfall and end up in your secret fortress. He might not see because of the trees, but you know he like it.

After a while there you fill a pull from the string, you wonder if it is the trees trying to play with your kite, but then you look, the kite is calling for you. So you to a place where you two can see each other and he pulls you forward. You're stranged at first, but you follow him anyway. The kite pulls faster and faster forward and now you have to run to keep up with him. Your feet against the ground begin to hurt, until at last, they are no longer against the ground.

As you run towards the kite, you realize you are no longer stepping the floor, but instead running in the air, your kite is taking you. You give one last look at the distant ground, say your farewells, and keep on running in the wind, to wherever the kite takes you.