Because I chose

Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in | Posted on Thursday, July 31, 2008

It is a decision, it was indeed a decision, a choice I made. And I would love to say I'm terribly sorry for it, and in fact I am, but it was my decision. Of course I could've chose a better way, an easier way. But well somewhere along the way I made my mind up for this, and that's how it is.

Because of course I like discrimination, I mean who doesn't? Because fitting is was just not for me. Because the whole "being part of something" pfft, it never crossed my mind. And if you think it was a stupid one, a reckless one, well I'm very glad you didn't take it. Because I'm very sure you were given the choice, as everyone else right? Perhaps you will never understand it, maybe you will never forgive me, but know something for sure. It was my choice.

And forgive me for being so stupid to forget when I made that huge decision, I can't believe it either. But the important part is that you judge me for it, because it is not possible for a person to judge another person based on facts he/she can't change, one must be judged based on the decisions made. So therefore, you are in all your right to judge me, to hate me, to disapprove me. Because I made a choice.

Because I chose to be born poor, I chose to be born black, I chose to be born deaf and in a wheel chair, I chose to be born with a mental incapacitation, because I decided to one day go all schizophrenic , I chose also to have this unappealing looks. And it is obvious that I decided to be short, I chose to be homosexual and I also decided not to be able to put attention for more than three minutes, and my mind was set into being from a nationality I well knew you hated.
For all that I ask forgiveness, because I as well as you know that it was my decision. A decision anyone else could have taken, because all those are choices we can all take. Forgive me for taking a decision which was different than yours.

By I'm the penguin

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