Sailing angel
Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in art, legend, short story | Posted on Thursday, July 03, 2008

All the stories agree that the place is the Felrrish ocean, and the time is the sunset. As soon as the Sun is setting and tthere is no land to see at any point, sailors all across the globe agree that music starts to be heard. Beautiful music, the kind no human made instrument can make. Now here is were the legend drifts, some say, it plays an unexplainable melody that enchants any, others say it plays a joyful bar song, and some even dare to say it chants parochial songs. But one thing is true, they all love it.
Now, there are many theories for this, the must belivable is that the sailors believe this crap so they beleive they hear it, and at some point some must have heard whales. But for the sake of the legend, let's stick with the sailor's version. Many say they are Ulises' mermaids coming back from the olympic tales to revenge their lost, other more inteligent say it is the sun, who actually makes a melody. But my personal favourite is the one of the sea angel.
The legend of the sea angel says that the Almighty sent an angel to guard all the men on the sea, given the great amount of deaths on the water. So this angel tried to guide sailors into the right ways, protect them in the storms and nurture them in the illness. But men grew spoiled and vicious, they started taking advantage of the beautiful creature, abusing it's kindness and pure heart. Soon the angel noticed this unfairness and decided to leave them alone, and so the sailmen went back to an age of darkness.
After some years of death and lost souls, this angel felt bad for the por humans, but was decided into not being subject of abuse nevermore. So instead of helping them directly, the angel would guide the lost sould with it's heavenly music, and so, every time the angel felt the men were about to get lost, it played beautiful melodies to guide them into the right way.
Of course this legend was really strong in it's time, and it was promoted by the people on the coast, by consequence and obviously by coincidence this increased a hell lot the tourism, but that is a completely different topic.
By I'm the penguin
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