Battle drums
Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in myth, story, zikaos | Posted on Monday, September 29, 2008
Meanwhile in the underworld, Hades and his unhappy wife, Persephone were very busy to attend to any of the celebrations; they had the responsibility to take care and educate Zikaos. Hades knew well who he was and what was it all about the prophecy surrounding him, and he was interested in more ways tan one. There, Hades instructed him in all the knowledge of the underworld, the hidden beasts, the ship of the dead and the Tartarus; while Persephone introduced him into the world of nature, how did trees, spirits and nynphs funtioned as a whole and how was it all related.
Zikaos grew into a strong and wise being, he had traveled the worlds of both, the living and the dead, he knew all what was there to know about nature, and was trained by the many beasts and demons into the ways of battle and war. He perfectly knew the structure of his father's monarchy, he knew who ought him favors and who hated him. And most important, he knew his story and where was the door of the Tartarus.

It all started the first day of winter, when Persephone came back to the Underworld. Zikaos spoke with her and Hades, he told them that the time for change had come, that it was time for them to come out of their underground imprisonment, and take back the land which was once denied to them. Hades, who saw this coming a while ago, thought it was too soon, they had no armies or allies. Persephnoe on the other hand, was a little more surprised but agreed with Zikaos that it was about time to change the authority.
By instinct or by calling, all the creatures from the underworld, who were once confined there by the Gods, started to congregate. Some giants that used to be beautiful maidens, some manticores that all they had left of ancient warriors, were the memories, and other beasts the Gods hadn't care to name. Zikaos commanded this little army as if was something that he did daily, as if he was meant to do that his whole life. And soon, beasts and mutants, from all over the world, were at the orders of the hero of chaos.
Soon enough news of monster gatherings and monster revolts arrived the Olympus, where Zeus took them as futile attempts of rebellion from the stupid beasts. But Athena knew exactly what was happening, even if no one had told her, she could felt her brother's plan being executed at the distance, evolving, making allies, becoming stronger than the Gods themselves. Something in her felt a great joy and excitement that she had never experienced before, but her worries were bigger.
Zikaos was preparing a few armors for cyclops and commanding the harpies into battle formations, when he heard his name at the distance. He didn't know who was it, but he answered right away. And sited next to a pile of shields there was his sister, Athena. After so many years, she didn't recognized him, but there was something is his sight that was the same as when he had came out from Zeus' abdomen, it was not only his eyes, his whole essence was full of it.
Athena was desperate for their destiny, and the consequences that such revolution would bring for them both, so she tried to convince him to desist. But despite of the Godess' pleas, Zikaos refused, and even invited her to join, that together, they could destroy Zeus and create a new world. But such ideas were beyond Athena's reasoning, and it was there where they first dis encountered each other, knowing that sooner or later they would have to face each other.
By I'm the penguin
Zikaos grew into a strong and wise being, he had traveled the worlds of both, the living and the dead, he knew all what was there to know about nature, and was trained by the many beasts and demons into the ways of battle and war. He perfectly knew the structure of his father's monarchy, he knew who ought him favors and who hated him. And most important, he knew his story and where was the door of the Tartarus.

It all started the first day of winter, when Persephone came back to the Underworld. Zikaos spoke with her and Hades, he told them that the time for change had come, that it was time for them to come out of their underground imprisonment, and take back the land which was once denied to them. Hades, who saw this coming a while ago, thought it was too soon, they had no armies or allies. Persephnoe on the other hand, was a little more surprised but agreed with Zikaos that it was about time to change the authority.
By instinct or by calling, all the creatures from the underworld, who were once confined there by the Gods, started to congregate. Some giants that used to be beautiful maidens, some manticores that all they had left of ancient warriors, were the memories, and other beasts the Gods hadn't care to name. Zikaos commanded this little army as if was something that he did daily, as if he was meant to do that his whole life. And soon, beasts and mutants, from all over the world, were at the orders of the hero of chaos.
Soon enough news of monster gatherings and monster revolts arrived the Olympus, where Zeus took them as futile attempts of rebellion from the stupid beasts. But Athena knew exactly what was happening, even if no one had told her, she could felt her brother's plan being executed at the distance, evolving, making allies, becoming stronger than the Gods themselves. Something in her felt a great joy and excitement that she had never experienced before, but her worries were bigger.
Zikaos was preparing a few armors for cyclops and commanding the harpies into battle formations, when he heard his name at the distance. He didn't know who was it, but he answered right away. And sited next to a pile of shields there was his sister, Athena. After so many years, she didn't recognized him, but there was something is his sight that was the same as when he had came out from Zeus' abdomen, it was not only his eyes, his whole essence was full of it.
Athena was desperate for their destiny, and the consequences that such revolution would bring for them both, so she tried to convince him to desist. But despite of the Godess' pleas, Zikaos refused, and even invited her to join, that together, they could destroy Zeus and create a new world. But such ideas were beyond Athena's reasoning, and it was there where they first dis encountered each other, knowing that sooner or later they would have to face each other.
By I'm the penguin
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