What air used to be
Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in art | Posted on Monday, September 15, 2008

I long for the days in which you could see the deep blue in the skies and and fluffy white in the clouds. I long for days in which the only dark in the sky was an announcement of upcoming water, which cleansed it all with calm and purity. I can still remember those clear blues with nothing on them but the infinite, they took you as far as your imagination could go.
Now all I see are monsters that try to block the view, pity combinations of gray to paint the whole above. Winds now carry with air that's not supposed to be there, with noises that were not native form the sky. All I see is a gray plaster being invaded by monster-made giants.
[turn off that TV and ride your bike to the park]
By I'm the penguin
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