
Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in | Posted on Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Let me explain a little bit about the trouble world in a women’s head… This might be a sin, but who cares… let’s say this is kinda important for Friday’s post… yeah… you may know lots of these, but still I thought it would be important to emphasize some.
I don’t want to make this TOO general either but oh well.. so I used “On” instead of We (change it if you feel confused)

2. On are always expecting something. As in always.

3. On have a whole plan (not actually a plan but a detailed imaginary story) of how things should happen.

5. These “plans”/expectations are never met (but on hope one day they will)

7. On know the day those things happen they won’t really happen the way we thought they would.

11. On don’t like surprises. Maybe on do, but not really. On rather know.

13. On create complex love stories from songs.

17. On listen to these songs while sleeping, and imagine on can someday hear that same song with a different meaning.

19. On think we know it all.

23. On say we are less shy than on actually are, (so imagine that….)

29. On can be really vulnerable towards unmet expectations EVEN if on knew they wouldn’t happen from the beginning (aka. When on say “on know it’s not happening” on don’t truly believe it.... donc.. N° 5 is crap)

[Mrs. K i t e ]
the kite is listening to the old playlist... it's a crazy, crazy world... since trova, sanz, and unforgettable songs were... lets say a little forgotten

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