Hold it
Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in | Posted on Saturday, November 01, 2008
Hold it.... hold it....

A fresh breeze came from the east
The wheat fields danced with the wind, making unrepeatable patterns of waves, and they where thousands of plants, moving as a single.
It reminded me of Van Gogh
Your hair had a hay color. And I thought about it, you hair was dancing too.
You didn’t smile, there was something painful in your eyes.
You sat down, and the wheat almost covered you completely.
I left.
As I walked away to the horizon I felt the wind calling me.
A soft whistle.
A clear voice.
Then, I saw it.
[ Mrs. K i t e ]
A fresh breeze came from the east
The wheat fields danced with the wind, making unrepeatable patterns of waves, and they where thousands of plants, moving as a single.
It reminded me of Van Gogh
Your hair had a hay color. And I thought about it, you hair was dancing too.
You didn’t smile, there was something painful in your eyes.
You sat down, and the wheat almost covered you completely.
I left.
As I walked away to the horizon I felt the wind calling me.
A soft whistle.
A clear voice.
Then, I saw it.
[ Mrs. K i t e ]
Who took this picture? It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.