Webbing the map
Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in blog | Posted on Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Today I'll suppose this is an actual blog.

And as such I will rant about having to stay home due to a life threatening epidemy, no biggie. And also as a blog I will share my discoveries in the time being here. And you could say we're going lazy just publishing things of other people, but hey, they need the publicity... >.>
So, you know what buggs me must about this? It is the...[insert rant]
And well, it has also has its bright side, the finding of the web!
First we have Jackson Pollock's site, made for those who want to be artists, or those who are artists, or those who think paint is no longer fun! http://jacksonpollock.org/
Then we have a periodical that goes beyond the photojournalism, and is all JPG based... literally. It is the JPG Magazine.
And at last but not least, I present you our true objectives in the endevoars, made into a website people actually visit... The dreamgrove. A place where dreams all interact in the fantasy land internet is.
By I'm the penguin
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