The prince, the kite and the penguin

Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in | Posted on Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Good evening kids! Today we have a very special story, featuring what happens when you're a curious cat, and whatnot. So, beforehand, everyone picture yourself in a fanfic-fangirl-made HP world. Now, only the names are usefull here, but we'll be using more stories, so don't let yourselves be caught of guard my children! And here it starts.

Once upon a time there was a kite and a penguin.

The kite didn't knew it was a kite, and the penguin thought it was a cloud.

So, the kite one day, having a light read before sleep, found, among books of alchemy, anatomy, and blasphemy, a very curious finding. It was in the network of magic. 

And then they lived happily ever after...

untill the next day

by I'm the penguin

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