Don't be afraid

Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in | Posted on Friday, July 17, 2009

Yes... you reading this...


Here, don't be shy, I have something to tell you

Come closer...


don't worry, your nose won't break...


I have a secret for you... But I don't know if I should tell you.
You see, I'm not really allowed to

But I'll do it anyway...


The secret is... that...


It is that... sorry this is just so exciting... he has came to kill us, to kill us all.


Hey, don't worry. He's coming for all of us.

Don't sweat, don't try to run. Don't dare to hide, because he always, always. Always finds you...


It's not something you did, he has been chasing you always, he has just been ... expecting for the right moment.

No, he doesn't wait. He doesn't move, he doesn't run. He's just there, always. He is always. He is never.


Anyway... you owe him your life...

Maybe that's why he comes to claim it back.
But the thrill here, is that you never know when he will be demanding it back

But shhh, don't tell anyone.

We wouldn't want people to be scared of him more than they already are. They must not know he is coming for us.

After all, if such truth came out, who would continue to summon him with those fancy devices called how?...


by I'm the penguin

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