First time

Posted by I'm the penguin | Posted in | Posted on Thursday, October 01, 2009

"So you think we're ready?"

"Well, it really depends on how you feel, but at the end of things, you're really never ready"

"then no 'you know when you're ready' crap?"

"Not really"

"I'm not sure about it"

"We can always do it another day"

"No, we can't. It must be today"

"Are you sure?"

"Well, I just hope we don't mess it up, that would be really shitty, because I think we have something good here"

"Don't worry, it will go smoothly, just don't think too much about it"

"I mean, you always hear the first one is the weird one, the awkward. But nobody ever really tells you how not to make it so"

"Maybe because everyone needs it to be awkward so they learn"

"You're right, I'm just nervous, that's all"

"You'll be fine, it's not such a big thing, it's only a real state sell, no biggie"

"I know, thanks for all the help. What would I do without you partner?"

"Ha ha, I'm just doing my job"

[beyond obvious]

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