Dear E.

Posted by I'm the penguin | Posted in | Posted on Monday, September 27, 2010

Dear E.

Today you said something and things changed. You've said it before, a few couple of times, but this time it was different; I'm not sure if it was the way you said it, or the timing, you just did.

I was able to see her, not you, her.

I thought I was able to, but until today I able to see her eyes in yours, a bright gesture full of dreams in your crooked smile. I finally met her. And in a way my heart broke a little as you said how she's be if she were from this time, what would she wear, what would she listen to, just as you said it I thought to myself "and maybe, we'd be best friends", and that itself is not a sad thought or heart breaking.

Just knowing how things went, how lonely she was back in her day, how much I would have liked to camp fire and chit chat with that friend. I'll never tell you this because that's just how cold I am, but it really makes me think and wonder if your roll was any different, if you could be her now, what would I not tell you? What would we not do?

To know there was such a person I could have been soul siblings with, and that she was instead a lonely ranger can only break my heart in a thousand pieces. That's just how cheesy I am.

But that's lost, she's gone, even in that makes us both soar and nostalgic. Now it's just you and I.
But now E., I can understand you better. I can see you trough her romantic blank stares, her careless hip move and voices full of stories and nostalgia. I can finally see trough the lighthouse looking glass.

But again, this is one of those things I don't feel like telling you. One of the many. Perhaps I should. Some time. Later.


Your dearest gypsy violinist.

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