There were some footsteps approaching to the door, then some keys, then the knob turning, and then he opened the door.
“Where have you been!” said David, “I’ve been waiting like crazy, you’re not answering your phone, and dinner is cold.”
“Dinner David? That’s Mac&Cheesse.”
“Dinner Mark… where have you been?”
“Please don’t ask me that.” Said Mark, as his face suddenly change showing sadness.
“Mark, are you alright?”
“Not really.”
“And you don’t want to talk about it?”
“Not really”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be better tomorrow.”
“Some Mac&Cheesse then?”
“Yes, please.”
After they where done, Mark headed to his room, where he took his phone and called Rebecca. She did not answer, maybe there was nothing left to do, he thought and he went to sleep.
We woke up at 3:00am, he went to the kitchen, opened the fridge and took a beer. He turned on the living room’s TV and there was this infomercial about vacuum cleaners. Then David came out of his room and did exactly the same.
15 minutes later, Mark got back into his room…
When something ends, it’s the beginning of a whole new thing, so they say. Truth is, I couldn’t see it that way, not then anyways. This ending had been, lets say, different. I’ve ended lots of things in my life before. A drawing, a chat, a letter, a story… But never something like this, something that really made want to go back, and stay there. Never to move. I found myself suspended in this chaos of ideas, of memories.
What scared me the most wasn’t the ending by it self, neither the so called beginning, but in this specific situation, the uncertainty of the no beginning, there was a chance this was it, just like dying, when there’s nothing after, or at least, if there is, you know nothing about it. It was this precise uncertainty that kept me in a perpetual state of shock (understating perpetual as some days, of course, or maybe months).
Mark Denio
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