The green eyed king

Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in | Posted on Tuesday, June 03, 2008

He was young when he noticed he was a little different, but no good had came from it, he just used his uniqueness to live trough. He had always blamed his parents for this, they were so different from the others, they always seemed to know things no other father knew.

Then school came and his uniqueness didn't got any better, now kids teased him about this, because his natural talent was his natural flaw, he knew nothing about how to deal with kids, and that was a real problem, because despite of his wishes, he was also a kid.

So his life went on, discovering more about the world, more about his difference, starting to think that he was better than others because of his thing, he soon realized he could do things with it, but he was not so sure of what to do. He noticed that his younger siblings had that gift too, but not as powerful, or not as developed, so he felt he NEEDED to do something about his power.

So the young boy started looking for power, first from teachers, but he found something REALLY interesting, he found that those older and more informed people could actually have less of this elixier of power he had, and he took advantage from this. But then he was disappointed, in his seek of power he hadn't found something he could use to give a use to that amazing gift.

So he kept searching, he increased his power and his might in the path, but then he found it. He found the item which would make all those years worthy, which would finally give him the ability to use this gift in such a way that he could accomplish all of his desires. He found the lost letters to the prince of new Gaul.

He felt in love with these letters, they told him step by step exactly what to do to become that powerful and mighty being he had wished to be for so long. And so he started the process, he chose and objective, he made convenient allies, he made different masks, he developed a well made costume. He was ready.

Not to his surprise, but to his amazement, all the people seemed to buy the masks and believe the costumes, and the allies did fought to dead for the new "king", he noticed that his power now had no limits, that which had been his flaw was no longer there, he could easily hide it with the letters of the prince, and so he went on with a life of doing what he wanted and obtaining all of his goals.

As a matter of a fact people in general noticed he was different, but the bright colors in his masks and the soothing textures of his costume made their attentions go away from the true person, and so he archived his main goals, fooling everyone, and those who were no longer useful, he didn't care to show his real face to give the last blow.

And as a powerful king as he was, he wanted to surround himself only of the truly worthy ones, to control them, to use them, to get anything he could from them, to then dispose them and replace them. It was kind of difficult to find those worthy companions he so much searched, but once he found them, they seemed pretty easy to control, to bring down into his domains of power.

But little did he knew what people outside the kingdom really thought, he figured that not everyone agreed with his ways, but the masks could prevent from any rebellions, since they were pretty well planed. But what he didn't ever suspect was that the people he thought he was dominating under his patriarchy, were not all so fooled, as a matter of a fact, some, with even a more powerful gift than the one he had, could see right trough him. But these didn't have the guts or the will to bring down the masks.

So there was this mighty king, ruling over his perfect kingdom, in which he had everyone under his rule, believing all of this. When clearly he was nothing but a sad and lonely teenager desperate for acceptance.

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