The chaos hero

Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in , , | Posted on Friday, October 03, 2008

Zeus was mad at Athena, mad at the deceive and mad at how much was put at risk because of her, yet he needed help, so he ordered her to kill for once the Titan. Despite both of the asteroids knew that some day they would end up colliding , they tried to slow doewn, give away energy and change courses, trying to procrastinate the inevitable.

Zikaos didn't loose more time, so he dodged Athena and attacked Zeus again. But the encounter with her sister had made him low the guard, and that was all Zeus needed to hit an accurate strike, and with luck's favor, perhaps the last one. And so Zeus hit the titan with a lighting, who fell immediately.

Once in the ground, Zeus thrusted his magnanimous sword into Zikaos' abdomen, stating the victory of himself and all the Gods.What was left to do was castrate him to strip him from any power, so Zeus gave that task to Athena, so she could redeem her wrong. Zikaos remained still in the ground, contemplating the tragic scene where his sister was. Athena was paralyzed, something that had never happened to her before, because after all doubt was for humans. Wasn't it?

After a couple of moments where Zeus was hysteric yelling the Godess of wisdom, she reacted. Athena approached the pair, sword in ahnd, prepared to make a certain cut, prepared for a decision which she would surely regret. She arrived, swifted her legendary sword and with a cut it all ended, the iron in the weapon produced loud vibrations.

Zeus was bewildered, he could not understand how her daughter, his beloved Godess, the perfection of the Olympus had perpetuated such an act. How could it be that Athena, Godess of wisdom had betrayed him in such a way? Three of his children had betrayed him, beasts which he himself had cursed were now destroying all what he knew. And for a long period of time Zeus remained in the floor, downhearted for Athena's betray, dejected for her traison and the lost of his right hand. God's blood flowed though the valleys of Mount Olympus.

Athena couldn't believed what had just happened, never, since the begining of her existence had she disobeyed her patriarch, had never questioned him or even though for once the posibility of defying him. But now she found herself holding a sword, covered with blood and magnificence remains. And in front of her was a figure which resembled that God of the past, terrified, astonished and confused.

Zikaos was still in the floor, with a sword without swordsman in his belly. Despite that he couldn't believe what ahd just happened, and that nothing in the world could have convince him that it would all turn out that way hours before; something inside told him that that that was the way things had to happen, that it was like that how it chould all end.

Athena and Zikaos had nothing planned, but the knew exactly what to do. Zikaos took the spear of the titans, thrusted into the God of gods' head, stripping him from the control over himself, while Athena castrated him, stripping him from the control on everything else. That was how the lightnings ceased from existence and just a last time, it was heard how the skies craked.

The lympic gods were laying on the dirt, sreeching, squealing and squeking due to the end of the world, the sky was falling apart and the ground toring into pieces. And that last sore sound in the sky anounced the end of their golden age of despotism, they were no longer Gods, just mutilated figures who used to exist.

The doors of the tartarus busted open so the titans could come out from their lock down, the thypoes was resurrected and the shadows of the Underworld occupied the Earth. Zikaos and Athena broke the doors of the world of the death, who instead of wandering the land as ghosts or live an enternity inpisioned, the became part of the winds of chaos. And so the world was winded in chaosm, anouncing the existence of freedom, which lead to the Apocalipse of the known world.

By I'm the penguin

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