It is time
Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in commission | Posted on Sunday, October 19, 2008
It is time, time to do it, time to stand up and go all for it. Why would we wait when we don't have weapons? Why to procrastinate when we have nothing to loose? Why to let this static instance be lost when we are like this, hopeless and faithless. It is the right moment to rise, to emerge from the fog constituted by our self destructiveness, it is the precise time to build ideas, for all that's left is wasteland. It is time.
To rise and yell, to stand up and fight, for we have nothing to loose, we have no sword to fight with, no shield to survive, and no hopes of winning. It is in times like these where nations are built, where empires emerge from the past reign. But today our friends, we don't fight for justice to the hopeless, or aid to the helpless, today we fight because we have nothing, and nothing will we leave.
By I'm the penguin
[create crap of great magnificence]
To rise and yell, to stand up and fight, for we have nothing to loose, we have no sword to fight with, no shield to survive, and no hopes of winning. It is in times like these where nations are built, where empires emerge from the past reign. But today our friends, we don't fight for justice to the hopeless, or aid to the helpless, today we fight because we have nothing, and nothing will we leave.
By I'm the penguin
[create crap of great magnificence]
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