Not how I pictured it

Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in | Posted on Sunday, October 05, 2008

"Of course I remember, and I'll agree it was just like any other December, but for me it was different, it seemed a common Decemeber but by January I knew it hadn't just been any other one. But yes, that was the day we "met". I remember I went with some friends to some party, you know how much I dislike just crashing into them. Then we sat around one of those plastic table which seemed about to fall every two minutes, and indeed, there was a lot of people.

And as I went one by one, analyzing them, observing them, as you know I do. I noticed some girl just taking shot after shot, finishing the very last drop of fine vodka there was in the party, and as this girl drank more, she stared at me more and more. For a second I was sure I had something weird on my shirt or something, or just perhaps I looked like someone she knew, but the stares continued.

And they were not shy, descrete stares that are used in the clumpsy flirting, they were broad, wide stares, just looking at me while I was pretending to talk to a friend who was drunk. And so the girl interested me, why was she looking at me? It was not that akward at first, just a drunk girl, but then when our eyes met, instead of looking away, instead of holding the stare or any other movie-like reaction, I smiled goofyly."

By I'm the penguin

Dear Mrs. Kite,

First of all I would like to thank you've had the decency to read this, after all you might as well be able to burn or delete this letter, or worse, ignoring it.

Second, I would like to point out that I think we have been making use of a gift with much shamelessness, I think. Perhaps It would help to stop making an abuse of it, just to value and cherish the power of it, and to have fun, why not?

Third, I know you might be wondering "gift?which gift? do we have gifts? why was I not noticed?!" and no, I won't leave it at last to make some cheesy lecture thingy where we all learn something at the end. I just like the suspense, and drama for all it's worth. And so I say, our overused gift is freedom.

We've been making use of freedom of speech for over 182 days now! Are we ever going to start getting used to the upcoming authoritarianism which is adulthood? Maybe, hope not. But you see, the whole point of this is to set into motion a plan of mine which I've been putting a lot of thought into.

I propose we start creating by commission, and of course we would give the voice to our lovely readers, if such lovely people in fact existed. So I say, we follow this challenge for two weeks, see how it goes not having all that power of creating, not being able to ride until the infinite, so we learn a little about liberty, and our self particular bizarreness.

Fourth, I explain. Today you will be able to see my commission just below my signature, and based on that commission, or "request", you make a post. Then you will give me a commission or "request" for mine. The instructions are simple: Follow the instructions.

P.S Make me know if you agree, otherwise this will only look senseless.
P.S2Remember how much I love bending rules and instructions based on their ambiguity or lack of certainty.

Sinceirly, I'm the penguin
[make me want to cry]

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