About destinies and syrguries
Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in minifiction, short story | Posted on Sunday, February 22, 2009
Made of human
A set of four systematic steps had brought her into life, from the genetic code, to the copy, to the station, until her cloning. She hadn’t chosen to be born in rough places, she hadn’t chosen to be exactly like the next gal, but she had. For some reason her inner desires seemed dull, controlling electric currents in the upper side just appeared a waste of time. She wanted to travel the world; she wanted to visit mouth and probably sighting the eye. She had wishes, she had dreams. But mother R didn’t. So today she controls electric currents in the upper side.
How it goes
"Yes, to be honest I can't stand you anymore"
"So why are you still here?"
"You have ensurance, I have cancer"
"... Since when do you..."
"I said I can't stand you"
The solitude of a proton
Claude was selfish, Hyna was all about giving. Their pairing always ended up with Claude leaving Hyna, for others, multiple others, multiple times. Hyna sometimes got someone, but it was just a rebound, for she always ended up with Claude. That untill she met Oxan, who ened up taking her into his harem.
Raul was a worried girl
She was worried about the boob-stealing-coke-implating new sort of criminals, she had just got a newbreast implant. She had worked hard for it, but in her neighborhood there were several crimes, one which had changed her life. She used to be named Raul. Raul felt always out of place, he looked at the mirror feeling something was wrong. Until he once got attacked, and castrated, he would enver be the same, and he wasn't relieved. But part of him finally felt right. Later he got the job completely done, then she got the breast implant. Now she was worried about the boob-stealing-coke-implating criminals, they were frequent down the 3rd St.
[So yea, I didn't have the mind to develop compelte fiction, so why not mini-fiction?]
By I'm the penguin
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