Just look at the chimpancies in the jungle, they may bot have penisiline, but they are not riding any vines which destroy the ozone layer or create wastes that make their water undrinkable. We may make fun of fish "look at it, is eats were it poos". Well, we are not much better we fill with toxic gases the air we breath. So again, we have grown very far from the animals human used to be, but I don't mean this in a evolutive, progressionist way. We have neglected our nature and became something else. What is that else?
It seems to me we are just creeping up the backstairs of evolution, climbing and climbing something we can't reach. Is it really the need of outgrow our relationship with gorillas that we hide behind a cover shield of cloths and cell phones? Or maybe I'm just wrong and that's just this animal's nature, to look so different, to fall so apart from the tree. Maybe, maybe not. But the mere question of this already tells me we are way beyond eating bannanas and scratching each other's back in seek of fleas (at least most of us).
And since this is a topic that concerns philosophy, and thus has no real or digited answer, we will leave it to a lack of conclusion for lack of existing information about it. Because while we still have hidden tails and yell like monkeys in a crowded stadium, we have fallen far from the evolutionary tree. We're still star stuff, but what kind of stuff?
[I dare you to find all the names of songs used to make this post]
By I'm the penguin
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