A troubled generation
Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in thoughts | Posted on Tuesday, February 10, 2009
"They are self-centred, lacking social values, and concerned only about making money when they grow up. They are cynical, angry, violent, and self-absorbed by the loveless culture of rap music, drugs, anger, graffiti and even pornography" (Tapscot, 1998)

I mean, it is actually kind of true, they ALL are so self-centred, that's why they are the first generation with a clear concience of green efficiency and multicultural rights; because that's hip right now. The fact that they are the first generation of blogers, tweeter-ers, video uploaders and poll readers who actually made a difference in a country's election sure speaks of their lack of social values. And don't even get me started in the money part, because it's obvious that all they care when they broadcast themselves, or become bloggers, or have a Facebook it means they plan to make a profit from it. Because we all know the big bucks are in the web, where everything's free yet we make some money. Because it all seems they are only trouble, and trouble they cause. Instead of being so angry and self-absorbed, they shouldbe cheking out how well did the hippy era go. Because it sure accomplished much huh?
I'm sure that when you old hippies and rest of baby boomers were born you were considered such a bright generation right? I mean, your baggy cloths and pot must have been such a great influence on society and culture. I even think you efforts to stop war were very successfull right? Wait...
Right! they weren't, non of what your so called ideals, goals or idecyncracy was of any good. And it's sad, because they were actually good, the one which were real ideas, the rest, well they were just there for the trip (if you know what I mean).
So why don't you just cut the bullshit and admit that while most of the "self-absorbed and loveless" generation is deviated by (your own) media, there are the various cases with the ideas. Because to begin with, most of the things you blame them for are a product of your neoliberal consumist media, along with the economic frenzy and political puppet-mastersy we all know about.
Here's the thing, the baby boomers were born after the war. So it was good news for the western world, the workers were back, the women had began to work and in a year there were already millions of babies wating to work hard for they loved "re-built" homeland, and hey, the money gotten from the war was not bad either huh? So there, the baby boomers were raised in a world of opportunities, new jobs, massive inmigration and a handful of optimistic economy. So while there are some exceptions, this generation didn't really suffer due to money in their youths. Another thing about them is that they saw the TV grow along with them, it was all new, all so merry. So they were raised by uncle sam and TV.
Then, as everything that goes up, it had to go down. The economy was starting the big open world-wide market and then several small crisis all around the world. And who do we have here? The eXcluded generation, eXcluded from all those opportunities, eXcluded from the brand new countries. All they got was a bag of old nationalist values and a Master in the state's college. They were born when the TV was already well developped, so they didn't see it grow, they grew from it, they learned much more skills with all the developping technology. So while they still had the good old family values, they had the money worm and the full knowledge of a world outside.
Then, the world becomes a very huge little sphere, we all hav e access to computers and the TV is almost everywhere, along with deep economic contrast and a sinking stability. And here they stand, the echo baby boom, or Y generation, or NET generation; or "they just don't get it" generation. So they are born in an era where the consience of national idenity is a gradient between all the multicultural influences everywhere, and let's not forget about the rising minorities. Well, with this boiling a meant to be break-out generation the INTERNET comes along. And to be fair the INTERNET made a whole lot of a difference, this is the first generation that has more contact, is more confortable and literate about the innovation in time. This means that they are the very first generation to have incredible amounts of information a click away; and we all know information is power.
This also meant that the TV has more less influence in this kids, because the main difference between TV and INTERNET is that the TV is a one way communication media. The TV modifies you and you can't really change it. But the INTERNET is a whole different thing, with all the forums about almost anything, several social networks and the ultimate liberty of expression, the people are the ones who change the INTERNET in a both ways communication path. For the first time a 13-year-old has a voice to sat whatever she/he wants to the whole world. Never before had a generation had such a power.
So yes, fear them, fear their "incorrect" attitudes and blame them for a lack of family values; because with all they can do, there are reasons to fear. The mainstream media is smart making parents belive the INTERNET is evil and should be banned, but maybe they haven't considered that Youtube user NewsFromaBox will be the evening correspondant in a few years, or that the IcanHasSomeOpinion blog will be part of the senate. So you old people who can't understand better be careful of what you say, because YOU are the troubled generation, for we control the greatest power of our time. FREE SPEECH.
It's worth mentioning Tapscot said media says this, not him per se, so you don't take it out of context
[fearing the fear of the feared]
By I'm the penguin
The word over-generalization comes to mind.