Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in art, thoughts | Posted on Monday, February 16, 2009
So it goes, I try to keep their pace but they speak too fast, I get some of the ideas, others just fly away. Sometimes I think I'm not getting what they actually want to say, but with the time I'm becoming a better translator. Sometimes they are too many, sometimes they just speak all at the same time and I can't understand any, others there is no one to speak, not a sound. It has happen that they come with no invitation, just a word, a sound, a joke and they feel they can just swing in and break into my room.
And it has also happened that when they are invited, not a single one has the nerve to appear.I have to aquiant a few shy ones, they are there, standing all alone. They all have thri two pennies, but some just keep it to themselves, and then it is when I have to speak for them, and in a way they are telling me their story, but that way I never know if I'm making it up. Because of course it's not all in the imagination, the voices are the ones ho create the stories, arrive into our minds and then try to desperatly go out.
And so I take a pencil and paper and listen to them, and take note of all what they want to say, with an extra comma here and there, changing the begining metaphor and probably making it shorter, but one way or another, they all end up telling me their story.

By I'm the penguin
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