The kayak and the yate
Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in blog | Posted on Wednesday, February 18, 2009
It had took a while for the penguin to make the decision but he had now, so he had gotten in the line along with the others. Took a little triangled paper with his number and just waited, like the others. "You're here early" said the giraffe, who was a hundred numbers ahead, but could make a time to go back and speak to the penguin. "Au contraire mon ami, il est un peu tard!" said the blue-white-red parrot. If late of early, the penguin didn't really care, what matter was what waited at the end of the line.
Because it was not a common line, it was not one of those tedious ones which take forever in which everyone goes to the same place, this line was all about going to different places. Everyone took a vehicle and sailed into the uncertainty, of course they got to pick their vehicle, at the very least. And it was kind of a hard choice, because in a way it was a race, a race to know which path in which ship was the first to get to the promised land of accomplished lives and comfortable retirements. And that, all of it, terrified the penguin to his bones.
He had gotten into the line because it was time, he was told it was just right to move into it, he thought it was just time to move into it. But no one should ever be forced into that line, but we all are. Anyways, the penguin was very unsure about which vehicle to ride. He had heard of some interesting ones, some that in time he could master. But deep down honesty told him only two were for him. And there it lied the problem, the decision, the one of the various decisions that could change all about his journey to nirvana.
One was a hot ride, all new- 9 speed- coached and crafted by perfectionist. Which had everything he wanted, but it was too risky, the fuel is a problem now and was a problem then. (We need to stop depending on fossil fuel.) And being all that honest, the roads it took needed too many detours into the poles, and the penguin had never heard of any other penguin trying to leave the equator, there just was where they lived. So, in recap, it was risky, needed a lot of work done and was very ambicious. It was a all or nothing situation.
Then there was this really confy kayak. It was reliable, trusted by people around the village and made by some of the coolest people around. But it also happened that it went into a straight line, sure the penguin could make it detour into the poles like the other, but by the shape of the boat, it just seemed harder. And the penguin had always had secret wishes of being in the poles, of finding nirvahana there(, along with Santa Claus).
So despite the penguin was annoyed by this being a poorly displayed alegory, he needed to confess that he was lost. Both options seem to be able to take him to the same place, but like the flying kite once said "What is interesting is what is in-between". So which would have the better inbetween? And he kept wondering.
Of course until he decided to go for the ______ and lived _______ ever after. The end. Fill the blank with uncertainty, for uncertainty it shall always be.
[look at me, disgracefully blogging about such unimportant stuff as me...]
By I'm the penguin
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