
Posted by I'm the penguin | Posted in | Posted on Friday, September 23, 2011

Please... don't leave...

Don't say it

... I wanted to be the father of your children.
I won't even meet the now....


Your sister's wedding.
Our trip to Prague...
I'll never go there.

Don't do say it, we'll make it trough

I won't.
They always say it so easily, but I actually wanted to see you old, wrinkled, holding your soft wrinkly hand...

People have lived trough worse

Let's skip that part, we know it's not happening.

I love you

Remember that little blue-brick house we saw last week? It would've looked lovely with your magnolias in the front.

I think it is more of a lily front garden.

I know, but yours would have made it look more like home.

I love you so much, I just can't see myself without...

Just don't forget to water the acacias, pay the bills before the 13th, in the winter cover Mutant with his blanket up to his belly or he gets too hot. Keep sending Christmas cards to my mother, she will need you. Learn to drive stick. Bright colors look better on you, they match your smile. Love every day like it's the last.

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