1 am thoughts

Posted by I'm the penguin | Posted in | Posted on Monday, August 30, 2010

Stuff in my mind that must be seen out of context:

I must be strong, stay an unbeliever.
(mascara bleeds in my eye...

Oh dear Prudence! Come out!
(to play...)

I guess it would be nice to help in your scape from patters
(your parents designed...)

Something I thought about

I can deal with our long/short distance arrangement.
I can cope with your dead silence and your sudden outburst of music and words.
I can wait for you to be ready to move any further, I can wait years if necessary.
I can stand your stubborn behaviors and your inability dance in a cloud.
I can even understand that you don't fly in the same direction as the wind.
What I can't handle is not having met you yet.

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