
Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in | Posted on Thursday, September 18, 2008

I remember the last time you came home. It was raining, just like today, and I was so tired I just lifted the intercom and heard a deep voice, (which I recognized half-asleep as yours) saying softly: ‘Can I come in?’

I didn’t even answer; I just pressed the shiny button in this really expensive and modern device which apparently (as I figured out a couple of seconds after) opens doors. Seconds passed until you climbed up the stairs, I could hear your squeaking shoes wetting all the mahogany steps. You made it trough the corridor, and into my room. You took off your shoes, your coat, and your tie. I could see your silhouette moving towards me, and as you reached the border of the bed, you leaned towards me, and you kissed me, ‘Good night’ you said. With the agility of a 6 year old jumped into the bed over me, and laid on the other side, the left side (right side is my side). You hugged me. Tightly.

Next morning.,,, I wished it was yesterday. You were gone.

[ Mrs. K i t e ]

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