Words, alone...

Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in , | Posted on Wednesday, May 07, 2008

I did this some time ago, as an exercise to listen to my mind, this was while I watched a medical TV show, and I wrote the worlds noticed the most, the result it’s interesting… I might not make any sense at all, although it makes absolute sense.

Interviews huh write big explanation say antidepressant structure potassium microvascular confirm syndrome sound be testing question what is it Herat fever say know hate witnesses alcohol wrong second noticed fine enzymes be drink pretend treatment sick do it live kids neither come in tomorrow page didn’t from us fair kidnapper telenovela terrorists bring it on fever down heart right explanation sorry mouth hours screaming morning from apes heard yes wrong life OK argue no right why answer interested medicine team follow withdrawal logic believe confidence die stubborn ass sociopath secrets pancreas MRI who knows boldness string sound scream thought mess give humor real reason three man principle connected work lost fall in love hiring eventually got hurt owner excuse mouth bleeding place patient done know cause for hips pattern explanations proven true symptom kill team size going observe windows money large liar baby indicates doesn’t after notice means morning here treatment legally find out tell insane surgery news treatable blood lied taking know stupid patient room sick receptors.

[Mrs K i t e ]
once again

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