Part of me

Posted by I'm the penguin | Posted in | Posted on Monday, October 05, 2009

I feel this... ancient fatigue, it numbs me from within. It comes from nowhere but it aches everywhere. It is there with every hear beat, with every air inspiration. This fatigue has no beginning and I know it will never end. I believe it is all the waiting that has tired me, throughout this years, which lately feel like thousands. And I feel it is all because I have been around so long, seen to many and felt to the point of exhaustion.

I have to make a great effort to look and sound alive, even if I'm sure I'm not dead yet. I try to convince myself from within my brain that I belong, that this is my day and age and so it is right to be here. But I know it is not. So I just wait for another century or two to pass, and I know it will go just like the many ones before them, without leaving any sort of trace except for stories. And for this same reason I just feel like there is nothing you can tell me or show me that will sound new or exciting.




I am also mortified, to feel like this with you here. And it is not that I forget about you, it is that I forget you are still so young, so full of life and virtue. It is the last thing that keeps me active, pushing you into life, into everything I know you must not miss. Because even if later it all seems dull or repetitive you must go through all of it, and I don't assure it will be pretty, or fair, or good, I can only promise it will be worthy.

And after that, there is so much we have to talk about, so much left for me to share with you. Even if at times we seem to disagree, or you are frustrated by my lack emotion, and your anxieties seem tiresome to me, we are in this together.

It is because of your sudden changes and epiphanies that this fatigue and waiting is bearable, because the fact that you and I can coexist seems like one of those oddities that are simply too great to miss. It will all be alright, and this infinite load on my shoulders seems that can be lifted just because even after all this time, it still amazes me greatly that we are the same person.

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