Living a novel

Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in | Posted on Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I know it is clear I like story telling. And maybe there has been enough story morals and self dialogues to test reality. But they just don't seem enough.

What's a novel? What's a short story? I bet some dictionary would tell me it is a literary narration, that can be fiction or non fiction, and that each has several genders, so to say. But can a story put in paper be like the life of a person in case said story was non-ficiton?

Think about this, can this story telling be held as some sort of life remanant? It begins, it has a climax, then it ends. All we have from people who once lived are the memories, which are stories, and the remamant of their existence is not the ashes, or the rotten corpses. The stories are the only thing we leave here, and depends on us, and the story tellers, that the story remains alife.

So a story is like a life. But there is something interesting. A book is already written from the moment you take it from the shelf. Of course you are shocked when you find out that the murderer was the doctor, but in the book, the murderer had always been the doctor, it didn't change. Books you start reading are done already, they don't change, anything in there is all there will ever be. The lives of the characters, the line of the plot, it is all fixed in the paper, not mattering how you read it.

If a story is so similar to life, is it so hard to believe our life book is fixed from the begining? What if from the very beggining we were set into making a blog to run for several years until we got real jobs? What if our decisions are indeed our decisions but they were taken before hand? What if all of this is just a novel?

What if you are just a cameo in first person?

By I'm the penguin

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