N's first law: Wait for the push
Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in story | Posted on Wednesday, November 26, 2008
“You know, all these physics laws seem to go beyond regular bodies in average conditions, it goes to a level where it rules people and stuff. Like a person won't move from their comfort zone unless they're struck by an outer force, or once you've gone wild you won't stop unless there is an outer body stopping you. Or as better put by Newton, inertia.”
“Wow, that’s deep” she said, staring confused
“I guess…”
“And I don’t need deep for my exam, just go over the formulas thank you” she said, with a make-worth-those-five-bucks-an-hour kind of look. And as we moved on into momentum and conservation of energy, I hold to the thought. But are we really inert, are we really always hopping for an outer force to drive us away from our pattern of inaction? Maybe not for all, but at least it is a law for me.
Perhaps she would never get it, partly because she simply couldn’t understand something as simple as F=ma, and because her life it’s just a rollercoaster of senseless, shallow, yet overwhelmingly events. But despite the fact she is learning a whole semester of physics, a day before the finals, I’m sure she wouldn’t trade it, objects in movement tend to remain like that, unless there’s an outer force to stop them. And nothing was stopping Jenna Goldberg, at least not until college. I’m also certain she didn’t chose me to teach her do to my tendency of moving, as my net fun energy equals zero, it is all potential.
And after a tedious week of tutoring half of my class in things that went as basic as to divide fractions, to something more complicated, square roots. The finals were over, which meant another prom I was not going, which also meant doing plans with my so called friends so we ended up doing nothing all summer long. And let’s not forget the parental insistence about attending band camp, both of them were in band in their high schools and they had the hopes I would have some sort of musical talent, I didn’t, but still, I got the geek genes. But as every year, after the bell rang announcing we were free, and until the bell rang again two months later, telling us the sweet freedom was over, I did nothing.
Maybe some part of me was always waiting for that external force, maybe my whole life had been about expecting an alive Schröringer’s cat, the bad news, such cat never existed. It was not like I didn’t love staying a Saturday night playing Halo with some crazy 30-year-old man from Singapore (online).
It’s just that some part of me wanted to be that guy, that guy who skips class just to lay in the grass one more hour talking about nothing, I wanted to be that guy who is always invited to the Barbies’ birthdays, I wanted to be that cool guy who had lots of drunk stories. But instead I was me. But something in me (perhaps sissiness) always believed in that external force, that uncertainty about dead cats, I need a delta in my U.
And that is precisely where Hayden comes along. I know that this kind of stories usually lead to nerd kid meeting some hot chick that for some reason was interested in him, all which leads to a whole new world of possibilities, but sorry, I'm not that much of a clique.
[to be continued, this is going to be kind of a large story...so get ready for an arch]
By I'm the penguin
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