MRI of a penguin

Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in | Posted on Friday, October 17, 2008

1. Thinking the only way to start over was definitely beginning from zero.
2. Believing things could happen, even thought I knew they didn't.
3. Sitting in a bus for 3 hours, seeing at the exact same spot.
4. Realizing friends can actually be useful.
5. Realizing friends are not tools.
6. Knowing I'm not real.
7. Thinking I exist.
8. Trying to feel.
9. Notice stuff.
10. Retreat stuff.
11. Finding the owls.
12. Founding the fields.
13. Thoughts of revolution.
14. Deep feelings of independence.
15. Thinking of it all, but then again nothing concrete.
16. Realizing stuff building up in the mind could backfire and explode.
17. The day Burger King hosted not only escaped children, but mothers too.
18. Having to listen to everyone's opinion about the stuff and not be able to do anything.
19. Finding the house of nerds, owls, walruses, and kites... just to see it crumble down later.

By I'm the penguin
[If we were a wish, which wish would we be? why?... change does WEs for YOUs...(it just sounded better with all the Ws)]

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