Antartic masks

Posted by SgtPepper | Posted in , | Posted on Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Antarctic masks

"Peter is a teenager who is often portrayed in ways far too different changing from person to person, even opposite personalities. Taking this to his advantage, he dedicates thi
s skills to deceive and confuse others for his own amusement. But all this changes when he falls in love with his friend John, causing a great amount of disorientation in his identity and being. So he dives into an intense journey to find beauty, meaning and himself; going through unreal and perfect fantasies , decadent nightmares, traveling through time and space. All, to find his way into the answer :who is the person behind the mask of Peter Penguin?"

"Great script, weird soundtrack choice"The newyorker

"A must see of today's society reflections" Times magazine

"A dramatic comedy, a hilarious tragedy"The New York Times

In case you wondered:

Opening Credits: All my loving- Beatles
Waking Up: Angel- Apocalyptica
First Day At School: Bittersweet symphony-The verve
Falling In Love: I’m the Walrus - The beatles
Fight Song: Why shouldn’t I have let you in-Tom milmson
Breaking Up: Black bird-The Beatles
Prom: Violet hill- cold play
Mental Breakdown: We made a film-Tom Milmson
Driving: Because-beatles
Flashback: Bohemian Raphsody
Wedding: MY friend John
Final Battle: Chelsea dagger
Death Scene: Why don’t we do it in the road?
Funeral Song: Read my mind
End Credit: All you need is love

[This is just one of the many lives I have, remember I'm just one of the many people behind the penguin's mask]

By I'm the penguin
[Let an outdated version of who/what you used to be narrate the beginning of THE fields]

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