
Posted by Mrs. Kite | Posted in | Posted on Saturday, June 11, 2011

I don't know how to start this particular post.
I know what I want to get out, but I just can't.
I would like to disappear for a little while, or go back in time.
But it just gets me thinking about some philosopher-convo I recently had.
And it also, somehow a reply to your last post.
Everything in life, (even life itself) might be incredibly special, or incredibly random and unimportant.
If you seat and think about all the things that had to happen to get you into a specific situation or moment, you see all the small turning points of the story, how every single detail influenced somehow what you're doing.
Does that make life incredible amazing and special? Just imagine the wonderfulness of being here and that all those elements collided.
Or does that make life so incredible random, so unspecial because in a fraction of a second everything could've just changed?

I don't know what to think right now.
I just know I hadn't felt so overwhelmed in a long while.
I want the world to stop.

Comments (1)

Stochastic forces that make particles bend in a erratic and furious dance, beating to rhythm of light.Every single move from the past, even the most isolated misstep will cause today's supernovas. And it's overwhelming, realizing the tiny becoming huge, but also knowing that it is dance that can't stop, that's terrifying.

To know that no matter what, your future is cursed to be a consequence of whatever you're doing right now. Because this is life and it's really really happening.